Digital Content

Peter has interviewed scores of people for the Invested Investor podcasts and has been interviewed many times by others, including recording numerous episodes for BBC Radio’s Naked Scientists.

These are podcasts and articles that discuss his personal life:

Project Cancer - a YouTube channel supporting cancer patients and their carers

Cambridge Tech podcast – a podcast where he talks about his personal and business lives

New books network - a podcast where Peter talks to Kimon and Richard about his life

Simple Scaling - Brendan McGurgan talks to Peter about his business and personal lives

Anglia Ruskin University - From Idea to Investment with Dr. Peter Cowley | ARU Start-up Podcast

Hymers College, Hull - Peter Cowley, OH 1964-73, is publishing a memoir, which covers some of the challenges he has endured

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide - Peter Cowley began his journey supporting PAPYRUS in late 2022, however, his experience with suicide, grief, and loss started long before that

IQ Magazine - An astonishing life story of professional triumph and personal tragedy

After Cloud - Don’t waste your life: Grasp opportunities, contribute to others’

Healthtech Hour - Craig Maxwell and I (who both have stage 4 EGFR+ lung cancer) spoke with Steve Roest and we shared our experiences, our aspirations and how we are helping current and future cancer sufferers.

Bulletproof Entrepreneur - Peter Cowley - Public Success, Private Grief

Behind the Balance Sheet - The Stoic. Peter Cowley is a successful angel investor and business man. But it was his tragic private life which prompted this interview.

CamTechPod - CamTechPod was at the launch of Peter’s latest book Public Success, Private Grief in which he details for the first time the succession of tragic events which have shaped his life and fuelled his relentless drive and ambition.

Bloomberg Talks (or on YouTube) - Caroline Hepker interviews me. Title: “Peter Cowley on Valuing Life”

Eastern Promise - Mike Rigby interviews Peter in the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens.